Buddhist Q&A 1. Questions for beginners on reciting Little Houses
29/12/2009 | Back
Question 1 : I am a beginner and have never recited Little Houses. Recently, I have recited the Great Compassion Mantra, the Heart Sutra, and the Great Repentance to the Buddha. Can I recite Little Houses again?
Answer 1 :
Beginners can start reciting Little Houses at the same time as reciting the daily exercises. They can recite 7 Little Houses for their own spirits and continue to recite according to their own situation. Generally speaking, while continuing the daily exercises, you can recite about 3 Little Houses per week to protect the safety of your spirits. If you dream of deceased people, aborted children, nightmares, or are sick, unlucky, or angry for no reason, which clearly indicates the presence of spirits, you need to recite more Little Houses.
In general, you can:
- If you dream of a deceased person, write 7 Little Houses for each person. Write at the top of the letter: Dedicated to XXX (name of the deceased person in the dream). If you don’t know the name, you can write at the top: Dedicated to (your name) who needs sutras.
- If you dream of ghosts pressing on you, people chasing you, asking for money or things, giving you money or things, inviting you to dinner, etc., you can recite 4-7 Little Houses first. Write at the top of the head: Dedicated to XXX (your name) who requested the sutra.
- If you suddenly get sick or things are very unlucky, you can recite 7 Little Houses first. Write at the top: Dedicated to XXX (your name) who requested the sutra.
- If you tend to get angry for no reason and argue with others for no reason, you can recite 7 Little Houses first. Write at the top of the head: Dedicated to XXX (your name) who requested the sutra.
- Your own feelings are very important. If you feel that there are spirits who need sutras on your body, you can recite 4-7 Little Houses first, and write at the top of the head: Dedicated to the spirit who needs sutras XXX (your name).
If you have ever had an abortion, miscarriage, or ectopic pregnancy, you need to recite at least 7-21 Little Houses for each child. Write at the top of the letter: Dedicated to XXX (your name)’s child. Do not add words such as “aborted child” or “Nth child” at will. If you dream of a child dressed beautifully and happy after reciting the Little Houses, it usually means that the child has been liberated. On the contrary, if the child in the dream is in a bad condition, it means that he has not yet passed away, and you need to continue reciting the Little Houses to liberate him.